Rebirth of the Fenix

It is the symbol of joy. Due to its colors and shapes it helps to orient toward success.

53 x 73 cm
shells, coffee bean, orange, dried plants, cane, sea snail
fan, heart, phallus
brown, orange, light and dark shades of pink, blue

Due to the symbol of phallus it helps to create a healthy sexuality.
It helps to resolve a pain behavior mode. Outbreak of the feelings of guilt and sadness.
It is a love-based healing for damaged sexuality.

Domonkos Anett



Rebirth of the Fenix

It is the symbol of joy. Due to its colors and shapes it helps to orient toward success.

53 x 73 cm
shells, coffee bean, orange, dried plants, cane, sea snail
fan, heart, phallus
brown, orange, light and dark shades of pink, blue

Due to the symbol of phallus it helps to create a healthy sexuality.
It helps to resolve a pain behavior mode. Outbreak of the feelings of guilt and sadness.
It is a love-based healing for damaged sexuality.

Domonkos Anett


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